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Software upgrade for Suunto Ambit2 and Ambit2 S

29 elokuuta 2013

Ambit2 and Ambit2 S will get a software upgrade 1.5 on August 29th 2013, bringing some great new features and a host of improvements.

If you want to track your adventures for longer, you’ll welcome the new power saving option that can significantly increase battery life. Another useful addition is the Track Back feature, which helps you retrace your route so you can focus on enjoying your run instead of remembering every twist and turn on the trail.

Other improvements include a memory sync reminder, automatic scrolling of displays during use, and much more. Connect your watch to Movescount to update your software and get even more out of your Ambit2 and Ambit2 S.

Follow the links below for more detailed information.
Ambit2 software upgrade 1.5, Aug 29th 2013

Ambit2 S
Ambit2 S software upgrade 1.5, Aug 29th 2013